EmpowerTech Series
AI became the darling of every industry - does it have a real potential in the energy business? the answer is: yes definitely, but...
By Zviya Baron, Energy-Tech. Business. Partnerships. Sep. 13, 2023
The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various industries is palpable, and the energy sector is no exception. Ever since the late 2022 advent of OpenAI's ChatGPT, the phrase "the role of AI in..." has become almost a cliché. However, the hype surrounding AI begs for an in-depth analysis of its actual impact on the energy industry. This article seeks to dissect that role, addressing key aspects from infrastructure and generation to grid management and energy trading.
1. AI's Impact on Predictive Maintenance
Infrastructure forms the foundation of the energy industry, ensuring reliable power generation, distribution, and consumption. However, efficiently managing this critical infrastructure has long been a challenge. AI-powered predictive maintenance solutions are changing this.
General Electric's Predix platform (https://www.ge.com/digital/applications/analytics) is one of the many examples of how AI enhances predictive maintenance. By leveraging AI, Predix significantly reduces maintenance costs and improves operational efficiency, increasing maintenance accuracy by up to 20%

Generated through Canva, Sep. 2023
2. AI's Role in Renewable Energy Optimization
The energy industry's transition to renewable sources is central to sustainability efforts. However, renewable sources like solar and wind face challenges related to intermittency and weather dependency. AI offers innovative solutions to maximize renewable energy efficiency. One significant application of AI is in optimizing the locations and operations of renewable energy facilities. By analyzing geological, meteorological, and other environmental data, AI can predict optimal locations for wind and solar installations. Companies like DeepMind have partnered with energy providers to optimize wind farm configurations, resulting in a 20% increase in the value that wind farms bring (https://www.deepmind.com/blog/machine-learning-can-boost-the-value-of-wind-energy) . Another example is Drone Deploy. Its AI algorithms significantly enhance the process of selecting the best sites for renewable energy installations. Drone Deploy optimizes renewable energy sites assessments (https://www.dronedeploy.com/solutions/renewable-energy) while helping manage more sites and projects.
Tomorrow.io ((https://www.tomorrow.io/) is another exemplary case of AI's impact on renewable energy optimization. They employ AI to predict weather patterns with unprecedented precision, allowing renewable energy operators to anticipate changes in wind and solar conditions. This real-time weather forecasting enables better energy production planning, reducing intermittency-related challenges and optimizing renewable energy resources.
3. Enhancing Grid Stability with AI
Grid stability and effective demand-side management are paramount, particularly with the growing adoption of renewable energy sources. Companies like Grid4C (https://www.grid4c.com/) use AI analytics platforms to enhance grid stability. Their AI algorithms analyze real-time data to predict and manage energy demand, helping utilities balance supply and demand dynamically. This results in increased grid stability and efficiency, contributing to substantial cost savings.
4. Revolutionizing Energy Trading and Pricing
Energy trading and pricing strategies have traditionally relied on intuition and historical data, leading to inefficiencies and inaccuracies. AI-driven algorithms are disrupting this traditional approach by bringing data-driven precision to energy markets.
AI has been shown to increase trading accuracy, significantly improving market efficiency and pricing accuracy. Companies like Bidgely (https://www.bidgely.com/technology/) have embraced AI to provide consumers with personalized energy usage insights, encouraging energy conservation and cost savings.
The Long Road Ahead
As AI is showing promise in transforming the energy industry, more than 40% of utilities are currently in the experimental phases. In addition, a wave of AI startups is propelling innovation in the energy sector. These startups focus on leveraging AI to address specific industry challenges and drive efficiency. The energy sector must continue to collaborate, innovate, and invest in AI research and development to fully unlock its transformative potent
In Conclusion
In conclusion, AI could drive profound changes in the energy and electricity industry. From predictive maintenance and renewable energy optimization to grid stability and energy trading, to customer relation, AI-powered solutions are transforming every facet of the industry. The utilization of AI not only has the potential to improve efficiency and create substantial cost-effectiveness but also contributes to sustainability efforts and enhances overall grid reliability.
Further Reading:
1. "Top 5 Applications of AI and Data Science in Energy Tech" by Codete. https://codete.com/blog/top-5-applications-of-ai-and-data-science-in-energy-tech#ai-in-energy-industry-applications
2. "AI: A Force for Clean Energy" by NVIDIA. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2023/07/27/i-am-ai-clean-energy/
3. "Artificial Intelligence in Energy" by N-iX. https://www.n-ix.com/artificial-intelligence-in-energy/
4. "AI in the Utility Industry" by Utility Dive. https://www.utilitydive.com/news/ai-in-the-utility-industry/543876/
5. "How Will Artificial Intelligence Fit Into the Energy Sector?" by Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kensilverstein/2023/06/07/how-will-artificial-intelligence-fit-into-the-energy-sector/?sh=422e255c23cc
6. "An AI Power Play: Fueling the Next Wave of Innovation in the Energy Sector" by McKinsey Digital. https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/how-we-help-clients/an-ai-power-play-fueling-the-next-wave-of-innovation-in-the-energy-sector
7."Utilities' Generative AI: Artificial Intelligence - Capgemini Report" by Utility Dive. https://www.utilitydive.com/news/utilities-generative-ai-artificial-intelligence-capgemini-report/686601/
9."AI Startups in the Energy Sector: Driving Innovation and Efficiency in a Carbon-Constrained World" by StartUs Insights. https://www.startus-insights.com/innovators-guide/artificial-intelligence-startups-energy/