Escort processes
for innovation

Coffee and innovation
Want to think together about your innovation strategy?
Want to strengthen innovation and don't know where to start?
Want to test how good your innovation is and what else is required?
In one two-hour session, we will jointly examine the issues using a computerized questionnaire that you will fill out beforehand and analyze together. You will leave the meeting with a clear understanding of the level of innovation in the organization and how it can be significantly increased in addition to lots of practical tips.
To go to the innovation questionnaire, click here
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Accompanying innovation processes
Whether it is open innovation processes, the establishment of an accelerator or intra-organizational entrepreneurship, in order to be able to build innovation as a working discipline, innovation managers are required to build innovation processes that can be repeated successfully over and over again. To do this, we will buildquickly and accurately Work methodologies adapted to the organization and its needs. All this based on Best Practices from around the world and 20 years of experience in the largest organizations in Israel
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